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Artists Statement

As a photographer, traveling rural Wisconsin roads at sunrise excites me most. The goal of these trips is to capture scenes that reveal the simple beauty and quiet majesty of this state’s landscapes. I’m most interested in settings typically overlooked or taken for granted by those “just” passing through.
An element that distinguishes my compositions is the quality of light at different times of the day. I tend to focus on settings with historic older barns, which are rapidly disappearing from the landscape and reflect the legacy of Wisconsin’s family farms. While capturing these scenes, I am purposefully excluding scenes with modern farming buildings.
Recently, I have been photographing regularly in the Driftless Region of southwest Wisconsin. In this area, the large Amish population carries on traditional farming techniques. 

Richard Wunsch

(born Marshfield, WI, 1 May 1950; resides Wausau, WI). Developed his interest in photography while taking a course as part of his Graphic Design curriculum at Milwaukee Area Technical College. Early on, his focus was on nature and wildlife subjects. After honing these traditional skills, he began experimenting with black and white infrared on a variety of subjects. Most recently, he has been working with digital panoramic photography. The panoramic format expands the possibilities of the composition in documenting his rural Wisconsin landscapes. In 2007, he made the move from traditional black and white infrared film to digital infrared. 

SOLO EXHIBITIONS: Wide Horizons: Rural Wisconsin Landscapes, 2009, Steenbock Gallery at the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Arts and Letters, Madison, Wisconsin; Wide Horizons: Rural Wisconsin Landscapes, 2015, The Opera House Art Gallery, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin

TWO-PERSON EXHIBITION: The Midwestern Landscape, 2016, Janet Carson Gallery at the Eau Claire Regional Arts Center, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS: Rural Wisconsin: A Photo Essay, 2004, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, Wisconsin; Wisconsin’s Four Seasons, 2006, Appleton Art Center, Appleton, Wisconsin; Wisconsin Artists Biennial, 2007, Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; SNAP!, Photography Invitational 2007, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin; Art Meets Ag, 2009, Nohr Gallery, UW Platteville, Platteville, Wisconsin; National Art Premiere, 2010, 2012-13, Elmhurst Artists’ Guild Gallery, Elmhurst, Illinois; 71st Art Annual, 2016, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin; UNSEEN; Photography Beyond the Visible, 2017, Providence Center for Photographic Arts, Providence, Rhode Island; Wanderlust, 2018, artlessBastard Gallery, DePere, Wisconsin; Confluence of Art Annual, 2018-21, Pablo Center at the Confluence, Eau Claire, Wisconsin; Culture and Agriculture, 2009-23, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield,Wisconsin; 78th Art Annual, 2023, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin; Alive in the Arts, 2008-24, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth,Wisconsin; Northern National Juried Art Competition, 2007-08, 2010-13, 2015-19, 2023-24, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin; 15th Annual Fran Achen Juried Photography Exhibit, 2024, Whitewater Arts Alliance, Whitewater, Wisconsin;Wisconsin Photography, 2024, Racine Art Museum’s Wustum Museum, Racine, Wisconsin; Midwest Seasons, 2010-17, 2020-21, 2024-25, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin; Culture and Agriculture, 2025, Gallery Q Artists Cooperative, Stevens Point,Wisconsin

SELECTED COLLECTIONS: Racine Art Museum, Racine, WI; Aspirus (Wausau Hospital), Wausau; River Valley Insurance, Wausau; David & Maureen Grinnell, Lake Forest, Illinois; Pepsi, Wausau; Mudrovich Architects, Wausau; The State Of Wisconsin Collection: Department of Veteran’s Affairs at Union Grove, WI; Department of Natural Resources at Blue Mound State Park, Blue Mounds, WI; Wisconsin State Historical Society at Madison, WI; Medical Science Center, School of Veterinary Medicine, and Soil and Plant Lab at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI; United FCS, Corporate Office, Wilmar, Minnesota; Schenk CPAs, Wausau, Wisconsin; Marshfield Clinic Health System, Minocqua Hospital, Minocqua, Wisconsin; Neilsville Medical Center, Nielsville, Wisconsin

SELECTED AWARDS: Merit Award, Alive in the Arts, 2022, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin; Honors Award, 31st Annual Midwest Seasons 2021, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin; Merrit Award, Alive in the Arts, 2020, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin; Donor Award, Northern National Art Competition, 2010, Nicolet College, Rhinelander, Wisconsin; Dorothy and James Stadler Award, 2007 Wisconsin Artists Biennial, Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin