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Exhibition History



Barns & Farms, Barnsite Art Studio & Gallery, Kewaunee, Wisconsin

Rural Wisconsin: A Photo Essay Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, Wisconsin

Central Wisconsin Biennial, 2004, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin


Mighty Midwest Biennial III, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin


Wisconsin’s Four Seasons, Appleton Art Center, Appleton, Wisconsin

Agrarian Views, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin


Midwest Winter, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Artists Biennial, Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

SNAP!, Photography Invitational 2007, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

63rd Art Annual, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin


Midwest Winter, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

64th Art Annual, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin

Solo Exhibition

Wide Horizons: Rural Wisconsin Landscapes, UW-Madison Arboretum’s Steinhauer Trust Gallery, Madison, Wisconsin


Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Art Meets Ag, Nohr Gallery, UW Platteville, Platteville, Wisconsin

Solo Exhibition

Wide Horizons: Rural Wisconsin Landscapes, Steenbock Gallery at the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Arts and Letters, Madison, Wisconsin


Midwest Seasons, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

National Art Premiere, Elmhurst Artists’ Guild Gallery, Elmhurst, Illinois

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

66th Art Annual, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin

Art Meets Ag, Nohr Gallery, UW Platteville, Platteville, Wisconsin

In Shades of Gray, 2010, Pump House Arts Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin


Midwest Seasons, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

67th Art Annual, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin



Midwest Seasons, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

National Art Premiere, Elmhurst Artists’ Guild Gallery, Elmhurst, Illinois

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

The Farm: Images from the Heartland, Lake County Discovery Museum, Wauconda, Illinois

68th Art Annual, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin

Winter Juried Exhibition, Gallery 3, Manitowoc, Wisconsin


Midwest Seasons, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

National Art Premiere,, Elmhurst Artists’ Guild Gallery, Elmhurst, Illinois

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin


Midwest Seasons Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

You Gotta Have Art, Cedarburg Cultural Center, Cedarburg, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, 2014, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin


Midwest Seasons, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

70th Art Annual, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin;

Contemporary Views: Wisconsin 2015, University of Wisconsin Green Bay Lawton Gallery, Green Bay, Wisconsin


Midwest Seasons, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

All About Trees, Riverfront Arts Center, Stevens Point, Wisconsin

71st Art Annual, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Photography, Racine Art Museum’s Wustum Museum of Fine Arts, Racine, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Solo Exhibition

Wide Horizons: Rural Wisconsin Landscapes, Three Lakes Center for the Arts, Three Lakes, Wisconsin

Two-Person Exhibition

The Midwestern Landscape, Janet Carson Gallery, Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Midwest Seasons, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

UNSEEN; Photography Beyond the Visible, Providence Center for Photographic Arts, Providence, Rhode Island

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture,, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin


Wanderlust, 2018, artlessBastard Gallery, DePere, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture,  New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, 2018, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Confluence of Art Annual, Pablo Center at the Confluence, Eau Claire, Wisconsin


NEW  Works Wisconsin Visual Artists,  artlessBastard Gallery, DePere, Wisconsin

74th Art Annual, 2019, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

WVA Juried Small Works Exhibition 2019, Richeson Gallery, Kimberly, Wisconsin;

Confluence of Art Annual, Pablo Center at the Confluence, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, 2019, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Feast and Famine: Questions in a Time of Plenty, 2019, Pablo Center at the Confluence, Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Midwest Seasons, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, 2020, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Confluence of Art Annual (Virtual), 2020, Pablo Center at the Confluence, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture (Virtual), 2020-21, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin


Midwest Seasons, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Confluence of Art Annual, Pablo Center at the Confluence, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

76th Art Annual, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin


Culture and Agriculture,  New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Photography, 2022, Racine Art Museum’s Wustum Museum of Fine Arts, Racine, Wisconsin

77th Art Annual, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin


Culture and Agriculture,  New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, 2023, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

78th Art Annual, Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin


Midwest Seasons, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

Alive in the Arts, Plymouth Arts Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin

Northern National Juried Art Competition, 2024, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

15th Annual Fran Achen Juried Photography Exhibit, 2024, Whitewater Arts Alliance, Whitewater, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Photography, 2024, Racine Art Museum’s Wustum Museum, Racine, Wisconsin

The Art of Culinary, 2024, Nicolet College Art Gallery, Rhinelander, Wisconsin


Midwest Seasons, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, Wisconsin

Culture and Agriculture,  Gallery Q Artists Cooperative, Stevens Point, Wisconsin